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Daniel Day-Lewis and Tilda Swinton are Britishes (British). 丹尼.;戴
A film directed by Erick Zonca. Tilda Swinton is in almost every frame of it. 电影开始前她出现在台上,高高瘦瘦的穿一件黑色的夹克,短的金发。
Other Brits in the list include actress Tilda Swinton and heiress Jemima Khan. 荣登此榜的英国名人还包括女演员蒂尔达·斯文顿和豪门女继承人杰迈玛·可汗。
Swinton became a bankable actress in the wake of that movie, but continued to choose unorthodox and challenging roles. 史温顿也因为这部影片而成为了可以保证票房收入的女演员,但她仍继续接演一些非传统而具挑战性的角色。
A woman (Tilda Swinton) covers up a murder in order to protect her teenage son from being implicated. 一日,达比前来她家找保贤,保贤与达比却大打出手。