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In addition, according to Hamdy, patients saved on average $561 per year on diabetes medications alone. 另外,每位病人每年平均减少了糖尿病药物费用支出达561美元。
Hamdy A. Taha, Operations Research: An Introduction, Sixth Edition, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1997. 黎汉林等合著,供应链管理与决策-最佳化方法之运用,初版,儒林图书,台北,民国八十九年。
In a similar case, 2004's Hamdi v Rumsfeld, the court held that American citizens could be designated enemy combatants and detained but would nevertheless maintain a right to due process. 在那里,他被单独关押,剥夺了会见律师的资格。