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Spertus JA,Winders JA, Dewhurst TA, et al. 劉同想,孔素平,廖忠友,等。
So what about the governorship in 2010, when he might face Mr Dewhurst? 一個謹慎的行動是:帕特裡尅可能會質疑副州長關於在征收企業稅上的立場。
DEWHURST Steven John became a partner of CMS Cameron McKenna as from 1 May 2003. 自2003年5月1日擔任金馬倫麥堅拿律師行郃夥人一職。
This paper developed an assessment model for remanufacturability based on the assemblability-assessing model developed by Boothroyd and Dewhurst. 在産品可裝配性評估方法和模型的基礎上發展了産品可再制造性評價的模型,模型包括技術性和經濟性兩大模塊。
G Boothroyd and P. Dewhurst of University of Massachusetts firstly gave this terminology when they applied a method to evaluate the performance of product assembly design. DFA這一術語,最早是由美國馬薩諸塞大學(University of Massachusetts)的G Boothroyd和P.