Warning: mysqli_query(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/opt/rasp/logs/plugin/plugin.log.2024-11-25) is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/wwwroot/ppbbu/3402.cn/:/tmp/) in /www/wwwroot/ppbbu/3402.cn/vars/english.php on line 30
Warning: mysqli_query(/opt/rasp/logs/plugin/plugin.log.2024-11-25): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /www/wwwroot/ppbbu/3402.cn/vars/english.php on line 30
Warning: [OpenRASP] 20002 Fail to open php_stream of /opt/rasp/logs/plugin/plugin.log.2024-11-25! in /www/wwwroot/ppbbu/3402.cn/vars/english.php on line 30 Bladestorm例句_Bladestorm英汉例句_Bladestorm双解例句_咖味滋双解词典
The Bladestorm effect from the Ravager item proc has its channeling broken by refreshing paladin judgments. 十字军打击受到十字军圣印的反效果影响。
Why does bladestorm have a self-CC element? Why doesn't it remove CC, stuns, snares or roots on use? Will this be reconsidered? 为何剑刃风暴这个技能带有不能自控的特点?为什么不能在使用剑刃风暴的时候移除无法控制,昏迷,陷阱或者缠绕的状态?这个技能会被重新设计么?