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Dengue Fever (Breakbone Fever).Dengue fever/dengue hemorrhagic fever is a viral disease transmitted by urban Aedes mosquitoes. 登革热登革热是一种由伊蚊传播的病毒病。
And they may experience pain in joints such as the elbow or knee.This kind of joint pain is the reason why dengue fever is sometimes known as breakbone fever. 他们可能感到肘部或膝盖处的关节疼痛,这类关节痛就是凳革热症有时叫做关节痛热。
"Dengue ( or Breakbone fever or dandy fever ):Infectious, disabling mosquito-Borne fever." 登革热 (亦称断骨热或花花公子热):由蚊传播的急性出血热传染病